
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Quit Smoking

worry Appeal flyerPresentation and analysis of a handbill using the Protection Motivation TheoryNAME OF THE STUDENTCOURSEPROFESSORUNIVERSITYTable of ContentsTOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc5 Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc5 \h 2HYPERLINK \l _Toc6 being PAGEREF _Toc6 \h 3HYPERLINK \l _Toc7 Persuasive Goal PAGEREF _Toc7 \h 4HYPERLINK \l _Toc8 Target Audience PAGEREF _Toc8 \h 4HYPERLINK \l _Toc9 An Analysis of the Poster PAGEREF _Toc9 \h 4HYPERLINK \l _Toc0 Conclusions PAGEREF _Toc0 \h 5HYPERLINK \l _Toc1 The Level of forethought and Avoidance Pr flushtion PAGEREF _Toc1 \h 5HYPERLINK \l _Toc2 References PAGEREF _Toc2 \h 7 IntroductionPersuasive GoalThe main goal of the poster is to convince smokers that heater corporation cause death .
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As such , smokers should quit smoking in the soonest time possibleTarget AudienceThis poster attempts to target smokers of every ages , and of all social classesThe goal is in line with the work out that smoking kills people According to studies , each cigarette is crowd with 4 ,000 chemicals and many of which causes cancer . This includes Nicotine , Arsenic , Methane Ammonia , compact disk , Carbon Monoxide , Formaldehyde , Butane and Hydrogen Cyanide . Smoking too causes a wide variety of chronic illnesses and serious wellness problems like heart diseases , lung diseases , cancer , and many respiratory problems . Statistics plain show that smoking contributes to the death of more than four underlying people every ! year . To prevent smokers from killing themselves by means of with(predicate) smoking , they should then quit...If you want to get a integral essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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