
Saturday, March 23, 2019

Mysteries of the Virus :: essays research papers

Introduction to viruses For centuriessubmicroscopic organisms, in addition known as viruses,that grow and compute at different rates inside of acell, have been travel our planet.1 The cellproduces the various, essential components of thevirus. These components be 1) deoxyribonucleic acid or RNAnucleic acids, which ar the genes of the virus.Viral particles posses either desoxyribonucleic acid strands or RNAstrands, but never both in contrast bacterialinfections contain both. The amount of desoxyribonucleic acid/RNAin a virus changes depending on the type of virus.2) A protein which is extremely important in ahazardous virus be reach is provides a strong,protective barrier as the virus passes from cell tocell.2 Viruses do not contain the enzymes andmetabolic pressures needed for self-duplication.The missing components are taken from the bonifacecells they infect. Replication begins when the virusenters the cell. The enzymes remove the coat ofthe virus, and the RNA or DNA partic les come incontact with the ribosomes in the cell. The virusthen finds the protein by using the nucleic acid.Several naked RNA or DNA strands are made.Once the cell has exceeded the maximum numberof strands, it then bursts open and the newparticles find new host cells. The process is thenrepeated.3 The following is a list of the many waysviruses can be classified 1.) Whether viralparticles contain RNA or DNA strands. In somecases at that place are retroviruses. That is when a RNAvirus enters the cell, then converts to a DNA virus.2.) Whether the genome is single desolate ordouble stranded 3.) For single stranded RNAviruses, the code for a protein could be positivestranded or negative stranded. 4.) The genomewhitethorn be linear or circular and may be in a singlesegment or multiple segments. 5.) The size andoverall shape of the virus. 6.) The effects of theviruses.4 Viruses can directly cause damage to thecells by seizing the cells metabolic resourcesand/or by producing deadly co mponents whichinterfere with their normal functions. These viruseswill generally make what is known as a cytopathiceffect (CPE) in tissue culture cells. Viruses canalso cause cells to alter their components makingthem targets for anti-cellular viruses such asAIDS.5 II. An In-Depth view infected diseasesare the third leading cause of death in the uniteStates and the leading cause worldwide... but,we only spend 1% of our health-care budget onprevention, claims Dr. David Satcher.6 For yearsscientists have been complaining about the amountof government currency spent on virus prevention.Within the past twenty years, more than than 30 newvirulent types have been discovered, like LymeDisease, Legionnaires disease, AIDS, andEbola.7 For the past couple of years, scientists

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